All the institutes of the Faculty of Sciences, including ESTBB, are engaged in a Quality Approach since 2011, which was materialized in December 2013 by obtaining the ISO 9001:2008 certification, which was renewed in December 2016 and then passed ISO 9001: 2015 in December 2017. Which was renewed in December 2019.
Obtaining this certification is a pledge of confidence for our students and future students, for our partner companies, and for the recruiters.
As part of this quality approach, the directors of these institutes, including Isabelle HARDY, director of ESTBB, have committed to promote:
- teaching and research activities compliance with regulatory requirements and other requirements to which we have subscribed, including those of HCERES;
- the continuous improvement of our quality performance
- the improvement of our students' satisfaction, which notably involves increasing the autonomy, openness and integration rate of our students, by expanding research and its dissemination and by strengthening partnerships.
The success of our students, their development... The adequacy of knowledge and skills with the current and future needs of companies are at the center of our concerns.