4 months
of intensive training
of employment directly at the exit

Management of health and biotechnology industries | Post-graduate and Post-doctorate
Full-time study
Sciences et santé
Access a job of responsibility by project management and dual competence after a master or a doctorate.
Discover our
training Management of health and biotechnology industries
Objective: to join the industrial sector after an academic career
Trageted skills:
- Sectoral knowledge of the health and biotechnology industries
- Be able to define and implement strategies: scientific, technical, regulatory, quality …
- Be able to develop project analysis capacities: perspectives, opportunities, risks …
- Acquire operational, organizational, managerial skills …
- Master the regulatory obligations of these industries
Professional certification by the State, level I, registered with RNCP: “Manager in biotechnologies”
IPROB 5 course:
Prerequisites: Bac +5 level in Life Sciences
IPROB 8 course:
Prerequisites: Doctorate in Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy or Veterinary
A mandatory 6-month internship in France or abroad
This internship will be a decisive element for professional integration at the end of the training:
- It will guide the professional experience of the student towards the chosen field: R&D, Industrialization, Production, Quality, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, Marketing-Sales, Support-Advice, Management of innovation …
- It will provide a first real professional experience of 6 months in this field.
- It often constitutes a pre-recruitment of the student before a CDD or a CDI in the same position.
“In recent years, almost 50% of students have been recruited into the internship host company”
The work-study option
This training can be carried out under a work-study contract (professionalization), provided that you have found a host company or laboratory.
The contract is remunerated by the host company 85 to 100% of the SMIC, and it is the company which pays the tuition fees.
The advantages of this option:
- salary received for the duration of the contract (generally 10,000 to 12,000 euros per year)
- full support of tuition fees by the host company
- 8 months mission in company (against 6 months for an internship)
During the training, you can widen your field of possible candidates thanks to the double competence.
Quality, customer support, regulatory affairs, clinical research, marketing, innovation innovation …
- Quality: participate in the improvement of the Quality Management System in your company, or work in the Quality control services (reception of raw materials, release of batches after manufacture …)
- Customer support: selling a product to a customer is good, but being able to support them afterwards if they have difficulties or aberrant results is even better! At Customer Support, you will need all of your scientific knowledge to better inform and help your company’s customers. And if possible a good relationship and a good listener …
- Regulatory affairs: you will be responsible for all regulatory aspects related to a product of your company. Registration of different files (marketing authorization, regulatory changes, pharmacovigilance monitoring, …), communication with health authorities. These are positions that interface with many departments of the company.
- Clinical Research: you will have to follow clinical studies (verification of data against the “patient” file), train and inform the study participants, check that all the equipment and products are sufficient, check the transmission of information of pharmacovigilance, control the application of the procedures and the regulation of the trial, communicate with different audiences, write reports related to the clinical study …
- Marketing: you will be in charge of marketing a company product. Write the instructions for use so that it is understandable by scientists, participate in the development of the packaging, …, all this in collaboration with marketing specialists of course, and by bringing your scientific vision.
- Management of innovation: working in support structures for the development of start-ups (Pulsalys for example in Lyon), in the animation of a sector of activity (LyonBioPôle for infectious diseases and cancers for example) , in the assembly of financing files …
Dynamic and recruiting business sectors
ESTBB graduates can integrate all industrial functions: innovation, research, development, industrialization, production, marketing, sales, customer support, quality, regulatory …
Biotechnology industries
Based on the mastery of living components, these very dynamic industries have strong economic potential.
Pharmaceutical and veterinary industries
They produce medicines and vaccines for human and animal health, forming the third most important economic market in the world.
The medical device industries
A sextor mainly made up of innovative SMEs, they manufacture a wide variety of health-related products: implants, prostheses, medical instruments …
The in vitro diagnostic industries
They manufacture the automata and reagents for carrying out medical and veterinary analyzes, very important links in the care chain.
Cosmetic industries
They make up the fourth economic sector in France and respond to ever more demanding consumers. This requires significant investments in R&D and permanent innovations.
Entrepreneurship to challenge yourself
Entrepreneurship awareness is used as an educational tool to acquire a global vision of how a business operates. It is also a very good tool for developing behavioral skills: collaborative work, project management, deadline management, presentations to decision-makers …
In the program :
- 30-day challenge: transforming scientific progress into business creation: intellectual property, choice of target markets …
- Serious Game MIME: living inside the problems of a company in the long term: financial, strategic, competition
- Campus Création competition: work for several months in project mode, confronting several hundred other teams (optional)
The Contractor’s Toolbox
Professional integration: speed of access to employment for the last 3 promotions
88% found a job directly at the exit
8% found a job less than 3 months after the exit
4% found a job less than 6 months after the exit
Discover the
Intensive training of 320 hours
- Seminars on companies in the sector, from strat-ups to large groups
- Serious game
- Health economics
- Innovation and collaborative research
- Strategic marketing
- Identifying resource people in company departments
- Using project management and innovation management tools
- Implementing communication action plans through digital marketing
- Team building, self-knowledge
- Communication techniques
- Team management tools
- Digitalization management
- Quality
- Regulatory Affairs
- Clinical research
- Ethics
- Choice of product or service
- Choice of economic model
- Strategic marketing
- Quality, regulatory affairs, intellectual property
- Development of the business plan
- Presentation in front of a professional jury
From January, for 6 to 8 months.